Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Posts Tagged ‘tankless water heater’

Is It Time to Go Tankless?

Monday, January 27th, 2020

The best part about working with reliable brands of water heaters, is that we know just how different a tank water heater can be from a tankless system. While many homeowners may decide on a whim or on what system is cheaper to install, they often don’t know the intricate differences between the two systems.

So, today we’d like to talk about the major differences between a tankless and tank water heater system, how they might affect your bills differently, and begin to explore which system might be right for you! Water heaters in Plano, TX can be quite an investment, resulting in a decision that lasts for a decade or more. This is not the time to make a hasty decision.

Saddle up, because we’re going to do our background research before coming to a conclusion as to which water heater is right for you.

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Does It Make Sense to Upgrade to a Tankless Water Heater?

Monday, September 24th, 2018

tankless-water-heaterIf you didn’t know any better, you’d think that everyone should be getting a tankless water heater. They’re fast, they’re small, they’re convenient… But we don’t want you to install a water heater just because you’ve heard a few good things. When you make a commitment on a water heater, you need one that works for you. In this post, we’ll help you determine if upgrading from tank to tankless is the right decision for you.

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