Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Plano’

Why You Should Go Ductless

Monday, August 26th, 2019

Air conditioning is a necessity in Plano. You don’t want to bother with a different type of AC system if it’s not going to work as well as your central air system. However, what if we told you that these new ductless mini-split systems worked better than your central air conditioner, in most cases? Does that pique your interest?

Ductless air conditioners are just that, air conditioners that function without a duct system. They’re much different than a central air conditioner. Ductless mini-splits are functional heat pumps that use refrigerant to pump the heat from inside your home and disperse it outside. The system is composed of small air handlers that connect to one large cabinet outside, allowing you to have several handlers scattered through rooms in your home.

If you’re hard-set on your central AC ways, we understand. But if you’re tired of your faulty central air conditioning in Plano, TX– read on!

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Keep a Fresh Filter in Your Air Conditioner!

Monday, July 29th, 2019

man-with-filterIf there is one single step that you can take to keep your air conditioner in Plano, TX, in the best working condition possible, then it is definitely scheduling routine air conditioning maintenance. If there is one single task that you can handle on your own to help your AC succeed, then it is definitely changing your air filter.

Yes, really. It’s that important.

While your air filter will be changed during your annual AC tune-up, it is important to remember that once a year just is not going to cut it. Your air filter will typically need to be replaced every 1-3 months, depending upon a number of different environmental factors. Failure to keep a fresh filter in place can have much more serious consequences than other homeowners realize.

In today’s post, we’ll clarify precisely what this standard air filter in your AC does, and the risks of failing to keep a fresh filter in your home cooling system.

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Tips for Avoiding Clogged Drains

Monday, July 15th, 2019

pipe-flowIf there is a single plumbing problem that we can pretty much guarantee that every homeowner will encounter at some point,  then it is definitely the clogged drain. Just because clogged drains are inevitable doesn’t mean that you have to actively help them to form, though. If you think you’re not contributing to the drain clogs in your house, you’re probably being overly confident.

In today’s post, we are going to look at some of the basic precautions that you can take to avoid clogged drains in Plano, TX. We’ll also let you know why you should contact a professional plumber on our team if and when you do run into drain clogs. It is not a problem with as simple a solution as you may believe. Whatever it is that you need to get the most out of your plumbing system, you can count on our team to do it right. 

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3 Signs of Main Water Line Problems

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

underground-pipeIf your main water line stops supplying water, your quality of life is going to suffer. Just think: your home’s access to clean drinking water is reduced or cut off entirely. Your ability to shower, wash the dishes or the clothes, clean, and cook are all going to be heavily hindered.

While it’s difficult to prevent these kinds of problems from happening, the next best thing you can do is have them fixed as soon as possible. That will ensure that no more money is needlessly spent on leaking water or on water damage.

If any of the following signs apply to your home plumbing system, you might want to call up a plumber in Plano, TX for a professional opinion.

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4 Electrical Upgrades You Might be Needing

Monday, February 25th, 2019

electrical-wires-and-breakerAfter making an inspection of your home, an electrician in Plano, TX may find that your safety or your efficiency could benefit from various upgrades. It’s easy to take most of your electrical appliances and fixtures for granted, so it’s not always obvious to see that you need an upgrade.

That’s why it’s recommended to have an electrical inspection every 10 years. With that said, let’s look at some of the most common upgrades that many homeowners may be in need of:

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Here’s What a Whole-House Humidifier Will Do For You

Monday, January 28th, 2019

relaxed-womanWe know what high humidity feels like in summer. It makes your skin feel warm and moist. You can get out of a cold shower, dry yourself off, and immediately feel like you’re sweating still.

On the other end of the humidity scale, you have excessively dry air. The effects of dry air are a bit understated, though, in comparison to high humidity. In this post, we’ll go over why installing a device to raise your humidity is a great idea for raising comfort and protecting your health. If you think a humidifier is for you, a qualified indoor air quality expert in Plano, TX can assess your air’s quality and make a recommendation.

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5 HVAC Services to Save More in 2019

Monday, January 14th, 2019

clay-piggy-bankIt’s a fact that most people fail to keep their New Year’s resolutions within the first few weeks of January. Why? One possible reason is that it takes monumental effort to suddenly change your behavior and habits. But one way to help with that is by setting yourself up for success. You can’t snack on sugar if you remove all the sugar from your house, right?

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to spend less money on your heating and cooling bills, then do we have the post for you. Here are 5 services and upgrades that will set your home up for significant HVAC savings.

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You Don’t Want to Ignore These Plumbing Emergencies

Monday, December 31st, 2018

emergency-plumbingYou may not have wished for a plumbing emergency for the holiday season, but these accidents rarely occur when we want them to.

With plumbing emergencies, they all have one thing in common: the sooner you notice them, the less damage they’ll do (physically and financially). In this post, we’ll inform you about a few of the most common plumbing emergencies in Plano, TX so you can catch them early, or possibly even prevent them.

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Symptoms of Urgent Furnace Problems

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

heating-system-repairsAs much as we urge homeowners to have their furnaces fixed at the first sign of dysfunction, we know the truth: many people won’t call for repairs until their furnace has stopped working completely.

With a furnace, that’s not something you want to try and get away with. The combustion of gas is perfectly safe… when your furnace is running properly. Neglecting a furnace repair issue can do more than just drive up the cost of your energy bill. In this post, we’ll go over three furnace issues that you won’t want to ignore.

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Hot and Cold Spots: What Are They?

Monday, November 19th, 2018

zone-controlHot spots and cold spots are some of the most annoying problems to plague an air conditioner. They’re nothing so drastic as to require emergency air conditioning repair in Plano, TX, but they’re far from acceptable.

They’re most commonly noticed during the hotter seasons. Homeowners blast their air conditioners and feel substantially more comfortable in the home, but then they discover that one room is still warm—almost stubbornly so.

If this sounds like something you’ve encountered, keep reading. We’ll go into more depth about how these spots form and what you can do about it.

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