Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Posts Tagged ‘Frisco’

How UV Air Purifiers Work

Monday, June 1st, 2020

It seems the more time we spend indoors, the more air purifiers look like a seriously helpful piece of equipment. Especially when air gets stuffy, odors invade our living spaces, and we’re stuck hearing news about a pandemic, it becomes abundantly clear that we need to try and do everything we can to stop germs in their tracks. Luckily, UV air purifiers are a tried and tested approach to eliminating germs, removing odors, and keeping homes safe and clear.

Listen, you don’t just have to take our word for it—these systems are scientifically proven to get the job done. Air purifiers in Frisco, TX aren’t just powered by magic, they are devices that eradicate viruses, bacteria, and mold spores by inhibiting their ability to reproduce, causing your home’s air to be fresh and clean.

Want to learn more? Keep reading and we promise you’ll be more informed than you were!

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Could You Benefit from a Boiler?

Monday, November 18th, 2019

To our northern friends, when they think of Texas, they probably think of heavy heat and sunshine with our long hanging cowboy hats. While they might be right about the cowboy hats sometimes, outsiders don’t often know just how cold it can get here. With temperatures dipping below freezing this week, it’s a good reminder that furnaces and electric heat pumps are not the only types of heater that could provide you comfort this year.

Why not look into upgrading your home heating system to accommodate a boiler? Not only do we provide boiler repair in Frisco, TX for those who already have them, but we always love installing boilers for willing customers that are tired of dealing with the frigid temperatures. Boilers are powerful, provide comfortable heating, they’re efficient, and require little maintenance. If you’re looking to combat these chilly temperatures with a new boiler, keep reading!

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What Is Refrigerant, and What Does It Do?

Monday, August 12th, 2019

close-up-view-of-refrigerant-lineRefrigerant is a necessary component of your air conditioner. Your unit has an evaporator coil that evaporates the excess moisture in the atmosphere, along with the heat, using the refrigerant. The heat energy transfers to the refrigerant which cycles through the system to the condenser coil which will deposit the moisture and heat. This is the gist of the cooling process.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, when it comes to AC repair in Frisco, TX, the type of refrigerant can make a huge difference in both cost and environmental impact. If you encounter a refrigerant leak in your system, these differences can become monumentally important when it comes to the lifespan of your air conditioner.

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Why You Should Never Skip Your AC Tune-Up

Monday, July 1st, 2019

AC-technicianWe get it. You know that technically your air conditioning system is ready for a tune-up. However, you also know for a fact that your air conditioner is functioning just fine as is. So—why bother with a tune-up? Sure you can wait until—

We’re going to jump in and stop you right there. The fact of the matter is that, regardless of whether or not your air conditioner is functioning at the moment, it needs annual maintenance. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Once a year. Every year. That’s the schedule that you need to stick to. And with good reason.

Air conditioning maintenance in Frisco, TX, is all about preventing problems from developing. Not addressing existing problems. That’s repair, not preventative maintenance. If you want to keep problems with your air conditioner to a minimum—and no amount of prevention is going to eliminate the risk of problems developing entirely—then routine maintenance is the answer.

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The Most Common AC Issues After Winter

Monday, May 20th, 2019

ac-maintenance-techniciansWinter is over, and those hot temperatures are gradually starting to roll back in… soon it’ll be time to break out the air conditioner!

But hold on just a second. You wouldn’t go run the 100-yard dash right after sitting on the couch for 5 consecutive hours. In a way, that’s what you’re asking for your air conditioner to do when you turn it on after the long winter break.

When homeowners turn on their air conditioners for the first time after winter, here are some of the problems they tend to develop:

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Got a Loud Air Conditioner? Here’s Why

Monday, May 6th, 2019

loud-noisesDoes it feel like your air conditioner is particularly loud?

Many homeowners might assume it’s just their imagination, or that the problem will go away. In truth, a loud air conditioner is actually a valid concern. It could mean the AC was not properly installed. Or if the loud noises started happening only recently, it could be due to a number of issues in the ducts.

Either way, we’ll help you get down to the bottom of it. It’s important to have it checked in case it’s something worthy of needing attention from an expert of air conditioning repair in Frisco, Texas.

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Why Is My Water Heater Leaking?

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

water-heater-inspectionA good water heater will last you just over 10 years. However, that time can be shortened if your water heater’s tank develops a leak. There’s no way to patch up a leak in the tank, so your only option is a complete replacement—that’s a cost that no one wants to be surprised with.

But don’t fret—leaking doesn’t always guarantee a replacement. We’ll go over the different kinds of leaks your water heater can develop, the causes of leaks, and what you can do to minimize the risks.

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There’s More to Ceiling Fans Than You Think

Monday, April 8th, 2019

ceiling-fanWhen you think of a ceiling fan, you’re not thinking of something as high-tech or as powerful as a dedicated air conditioning system. And we’re not going to try and tell you that a ceiling fan makes a great substitute for an air conditioner—you simply can’t compare the two.

However, the mistake many people make is in assuming that a ceiling fan is, indeed, supposed to be used as a substitute for air conditioning. In reality, there are much more effective uses for a ceiling fan. Here are just a few of them:

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Here’s How to Choose a New Heating System

Monday, March 25th, 2019

warming-feet-at-radiatorIs it already time to choose a new heating system? With winter having just ended and warmer days on the horizon, you might be thinking that a heating system should be the last thing on your mind.

But actually, replacing your heating system at the end of winter might just be the best time. Not only can you consider how well your heater served you through the previous months, but you won’t have to sit in the cold while you wait for a new heater to be installed.

Here’s how you can start planning your new installation:

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Is It Time for Furnace Replacement?

Monday, March 11th, 2019

old-furnaceAre you so excited to replace your furnace that you can’t even sleep at night? When you’re at work, you can’t think of hardly anything but your brand-new, shiny furnace?

Well, okay, maybe that’s just us… We are an HVAC company after all.

But if we told you that a brand-new furnace could substantially cut your heating and energy costs, then maybe some of our enthusiasm could be contagious.

The tricky part is knowing when the best time to replace your furnace actually is. After all, no one wants to replace it sooner than they really have to it. But on the other side, replacing it too late is not going to wise for you financially.

So, down below, we’ve listed our tips on figuring out when the best time to replace is.

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