Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category
Is It Too Late for Furnace Maintenance?
Monday, April 18th, 2022
You Need to Repair Your Smoking Furnace
Monday, February 7th, 2022A smoking furnace is never a good sign. In fact, unless you’re out by the firepit or camping with the family, smoke should never be something that you take lightly. As the saying goes, “where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” and your furnace should never be on-fire to the point where it smokes.
Today, we want to talk about two things. The first will be why a furnace might start expelling smoke. We’ll discuss the whole combustion process and how a furnace in good condition deals with the byproducts of the process. This should show you just how dangerous of a situation a smoking furnace can be.
Secondly, we’ll be talking about what you should do if your furnace is starting to expel smoke into your home. Here’s a hint: you’re going to want to call our team for expert furnace repair in Plano, TX!
Is Your Heater Going to Last All Season?
Monday, January 24th, 2022How is your heating system doing? Does it keep you warm and cozy at night or are you constantly pulling up blog posts and articles about how to fix a struggling heater? Don’t worry, we’re not here to pass judgment or tell you what to do—that’s simply not our job. We’re local HVAC professionals that specialize in heating in Plano, TX, so we’re just here to talk about the technology and best practices that could keep you warmer for longer.
We’ve been getting some brutal, record-breaking cold temperatures here in Texas, which means that every year it’s becoming more important to have a reliable heating system. Heaters that can effectively last all season are going to beat out heaters that are problematic and constantly on the fritz.
Here’s a great checklist to see if your heating system will last all winter season, or if you might want to get some professional attention for it.
Why Fast Heater Repair Is the Best
Monday, January 10th, 2022When we talk about “fast” heater repair, we’re not really counting the minutes, or even the hours. Heating systems break down at inconvenient times, so it’s not like you can always guarantee that you’ll be home and around to provide support for the system when it buckles under pressure. However, if you’re waiting months to get your heating system fixed, then you’re in for quite an unpleasant surprise.
Fast repairs in this scenario just mean repairs that you don’t want too long to get. When you run into a problem, just like when you discover an ailment that requires a trip to the hospital, time is of the essence. The longer you wait on heating repair in Frisco, TX, the more likely you are to be a victim of compounding problems, high heating bills, and a system that completely breaks down.
Keep Your Home Warm This Winter
Monday, December 13th, 2021We’re entering into the coldest time of the year, which means that our phone lines are going to be ringing off the hook for heating repairs in Plano, TX. Don’t get us wrong, we’re ecstatic about it! We love being able to help homeowners in need with our specialized training and services, and we’ll always be there to help you with our 24/7 emergency hotline.
However, we’re not a magic genie. You can’t just rub a lamp and we appear to fix your heating system. We have to stock up our trucks, make sure we have the right equipment on hand and drive to your home. This could take anywhere from just a few minutes to an hour depending on the weather and the location of your house. What we’re saying is that you need to work on keeping your home warm until we get there.
Here are some ways to do that.
You Don’t Want to Hear This Noise Coming From Your Furnace
Monday, November 1st, 2021Imagine this—you’re sleeping soundly one night after a delicious Thanksgiving meal, or after celebrating the holidays with the extended family, and you’re suddenly woken up by a strange noise. You’re awake enough to tell that this noise is coming from your furnace, but the intensity and nuisance of this noise signals to you that there’s something seriously wrong.
If you’re reading this, then the good news is you’ve made it far enough to do something about it. Noises that come from your furnace almost always signal that you need furnace repair in Plano, TX, but a few noises are worse than others.
Today, we’re going to focus on one noise, in particular, that seems to be a common occurrence in older gas furnaces—the booming noise. If your furnace sounds like it’s exploding on a semiregular basis with booming noises, then we’re going to tell you why this can be a nightmare if left alone.
3 Common Furnace Problems in Frisco
Monday, October 18th, 2021In the next few months here in Frisco, temperatures are going to drop. Especially during the nighttime, we’re going to see a pretty heavy need for our heaters to work as intended. It shocked the country to hear about the ice storm earlier this year and we can only prepare for more record-breaking temperatures and weather events to occur. That’s why it’s important we address the elephant in the room—your heater.
Furnaces are the most common heating systems in Frisco. However, they often can suffer from problems of neglect, a clogged air filter, or even a problem with dirt and grime building up on the burner. We’d like to address some great reasons to call us for heating repair in Frisco, TX.
If you’re dealing with one of these common furnace problems, then we promise we can help.
When to Repair and When to Replace: Our Guide
Monday, March 8th, 2021When you think about replacing your heating system, what’s the first thought that comes to mind? Is it the fact that you would rather just repair your heating system forever and just skip the thought of replacement? Or perhaps you’re wondering whether or not your system is too young to be replaced? These are all great things to be thinking about, and we just want to inform you a little bit about the basics of heater replacement.
No, a heater isn’t a muscle car from the 70s. You won’t be able to keep it forever unless you’re willing to pay several times the normal amount of money to have it fixed every year. And similarly, one visit for heating repair in Plano, TX isn’t the end of the world. Keep reading, and we’ll give you some industry secrets that can help you decide between replacement or repairs.
Our 6 Step Furnace Safety Checklist
Monday, January 25th, 2021Furnaces are safe, period. We’re not in the business of fearmongering or telling homeowners inaccurate information. So, if you came to this blog expecting us to tell you that furnaces are inherently dangerous, we’re sorry to disappoint you.
However, furnaces can become dangerous over time. This should be quite clear from the operation of any combustion-based appliance that safety concerns can arise from neglected hardware. We want to talk about furnace repair in Plano, TX and how it relates to the safety and functionality of your furnace. If you’re concerned about your system’s safety, or if you’ve been neglecting it by avoiding repairs, here’s what you can do. Follow these six steps to ensure that your furnace is functioning safely. If it’s not, that’s the perfect reason to call our team and have the problem fixed today.
Simple, right?
Need a New Heater? We’ve Got You Covered
Monday, January 11th, 2021Have you ever experienced a contractor that just wanted to sell you on a particular product? You told them about your unique heating needs and then they just settled on the fact that you need a heat pump, and an expensive one at that? Or perhaps they did that but with a gas furnace instead? The truth is that this industry is rife with salesmen trying to sell products to homeowners who might not actually need them.
Well, why would we try to sell you on any one particular heating system, when we provide sensible installation for all of them? We provide boiler, ductless, heat pump, and furnace heater installation in Plano, TX. Our goal is to provide the best heater that works for your home, not to sell you on some expensive product that will make us the most money. So relax, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s talk about which heater might be right for you.