Hutchins Plumbing & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for the ‘Electrical’ Category

More Power, More Problems

Monday, October 21st, 2019

While the saying is usually more money, more problems, we’d like to change it to more power, more problems when it comes to our industry. There’s a rumor floating around that the need for proper electrical work is dwindling because of our advancing wireless technology. We hate to break it to you, but that could not be further from the truth.

With huge leaps in technology within the past ten or twenty years, as well as huge leaps in efficiency, comes a more constant and necessary stream of power. All of a sudden, a blown fuse or a power outage can cause way more problems in your life than it could twenty or thirty years ago. If anything, the electricians in Sherman, TX are more important than ever for the functionality of your home and the use of your devices.

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There’s More to Ceiling Fans Than You Think

Monday, April 8th, 2019

ceiling-fanWhen you think of a ceiling fan, you’re not thinking of something as high-tech or as powerful as a dedicated air conditioning system. And we’re not going to try and tell you that a ceiling fan makes a great substitute for an air conditioner—you simply can’t compare the two.

However, the mistake many people make is in assuming that a ceiling fan is, indeed, supposed to be used as a substitute for air conditioning. In reality, there are much more effective uses for a ceiling fan. Here are just a few of them:

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4 Electrical Upgrades You Might be Needing

Monday, February 25th, 2019

electrical-wires-and-breakerAfter making an inspection of your home, an electrician in Plano, TX may find that your safety or your efficiency could benefit from various upgrades. It’s easy to take most of your electrical appliances and fixtures for granted, so it’s not always obvious to see that you need an upgrade.

That’s why it’s recommended to have an electrical inspection every 10 years. With that said, let’s look at some of the most common upgrades that many homeowners may be in need of:

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The Benefits of LED Lighting Are Too Good to Pass Up

Monday, December 17th, 2018

led-lightingLED lights are used almost everywhere nowadays, from inside your smartphone and DVR boxes to traffic lights and flashlights. They’ve actually been around for more than 50 years, but they only really started being picked up in the early 2000s. Now, they’re only getting more and more practical in their wide range of uses.

The fact is that many homes are still using incandescent and fluorescent lighting. If that includes you, it might be time to ask a McKinney, TX electrician for an upgrade. Changing out your lighting system for LEDs brings a host of benefits which we’ll list for you down below.

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Protect Your Home Against the Unexpected

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

carbon-monoxide-detector“Always expect the unexpected…” We don’t know who originally said that, but we have to agree with them. Even a plumbing and air conditioning company like ours can see the value in those words, and we believe homeowners should, too. In this post, we’ll go over a few ways that you can bolster your home’s defense, so you can truly expect the unexpected.

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3 Ways to Change Up Your Indoor Electrical Lighting

Monday, June 4th, 2018

led-lightingEven if it’s something as simple as adding a couple of lamps for accent lighting, changing the lighting is one of the best ways to make a room (or your entire home) more inviting. It enhances the mood and feel of a room, making it more cozy and relaxing, bringing out the color of furnishings, drapes and wall décor or making the room brighter and airier. Here are some ideas on how to change the lighting in your house and give it a quick makeover that doesn’t require a remodel:

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Electricians Can Deal with Frayed Wire

Monday, April 9th, 2018

frayed-wiring-repairElectrical systems are a part of modern life, and we depend upon electricity for light, heat, and connection to the outside world. Problems with your wiring need to be dealt with quickly, not only because it can disrupt any or all of these features, but because in the worst cases, it can pose an active safety risk to the home.

Because of that, and because handling electrical wiring safely requires proper training and licensing, you should always call in a certified repair service. Knowing the reasons why can help keep your home safe, and knowing when to call such a service can make a huge difference in getting the problem fixed.

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Call an Electrician to Improve Outdoor Lighting

Monday, March 12th, 2018

outdoor-lighting-homesThe arrival of spring in a few weeks means better weather and more time spent outdoors. If you’re a homeowner, that means looking at possible projects to help your home function better and improve your quality of life overall. Outdoor lighting systems are a key part of any household for an umber of reasons. And if your yard could use a little illumination, then contacting an electrician in the new few weeks to discuss your options makes a whole lot of sense.

Your yard is an important part of your home, but it often gets overlooked when it comes to home improvement projects. And outdoor lighting can put a drag on your quality of life if it’s not up to snuff. A qualified electrician can look over your property with you, discuss your options, and make a plan to improve outdoor lighting considerably. Every home is different and your outdoor lighting needs are likely to be unique. No matter what you have in mind, though, a trained professional can help.

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Is Your Electrical System in Trouble?

Monday, October 31st, 2016

A problem with your home’s electrical system is a serious matter. At best, it could result in a loss of electricity. At worst, it could start a fire. We see all manner of electrical problems here in Sherman, TX, from vermin chewing on wiring to overloaded circuits. But all of them require the services of a trained technician to treat, and you can’t call in an electrician until you know that there’s a problem. Lights that won’t turn on or appliances that won’t run even after you’ve checked the breaker box are an obvious sign of trouble.  But there are more subtle signs you can learn to spot as well. They can include, but are not limited to, the following:

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